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  • Writer's pictureandyachilleos

Taking Back Our Streets

Updated: Jun 3

Knife crime and antisocial behaviour is becoming an all too familiar headline in places like Romford, and it is time for change. The people of Romford deserve more than the populist rhetoric and finger pointing of the past 14 years under the Tories.

If residents vote for me on Thursday 4 July, I will give the people of Romford more than rhetoric. I will give local people their voice back on the issues that really matter.

The Tories have cut funding for the Metropolitan Police by over £1bn since 2010. We see the consequence of this in every tragic headline we read. The safety of communities across Britain should be absolutely and unapologetically paramount.

As the Labour MP for Romford, I would ensure that Labour’s plan to take back our streets will mean more Officers and PCSOs locally, from Collier Row to Gidea Park, and in our town centre. Tough new penalties for offenders would also be brought in to combat antisocial behaviour in our communities.

If the Conservatives were going to do anything to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour on our streets they would have done it by now. It is time for change.

We must also recognise that this isn’t solely a policing issue, and that we can’t just arrest our way out of violent crime. Since 2010 Tory cuts to local authorities have meant a reduction of 40% in council spending for youth services. Over the same period knife crime has gone up by 34%.

Labour will create a new network of youth hubs in communities, investing in meaningful preventative work and providing opportunities through a multi-agency approach.

Violent crime and increasing anti-social behaviour are a blight on our community and we need a strong voice to address these issues. Romford doesn’t need an MP who plays politics. Romford needs an MP who acts.

If local people put their faith in me on Thursday 4 July, I will always put Romford first.

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