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  • Writer's pictureandyachilleos

Fixing Britain's Broken Childcare System

Updated: Feb 28

As someone raising a family, I know that childcare costs are crippling ordinary people across Britain and in places like Romford, which now has the youngest population in London. My wife and I both work, but one of our incomes is almost totally cancelled out by childcare costs. This is the same story for thousands of parents facing the cost-of-living crisis: exhausted and demoralised by simply surviving, which can get in the way of the joy young children should bring to family life.

Presently in places like Romford, with average full-time childcare costs of £1,400 per month, it doesn’t pay for both parents to be in work, especially if they have low-income jobs. As part of an incoming Labour Government, I want to see higher wages and lower childcare bills, with more parents empowered to get back into the workplace to pursue a career. This will be good for the British economy and household stability.

I firmly believe that fixing the broken childcare system in Britain is the key to unlocking economic prosperity. That is why fighting to deliver childcare options that work for families will be one of my top priorities if I am selected by Labour, and then elected to Parliament at the next election. I will be a strong voice calling for new nursery places, extended free hours, and affordable rates.

The Tories sticking plaster politics has done nothing to support families with childcare pressures. In the past year 3,320 nurseries and childminders have disappeared leaving 17,800 fewer childcare places available nationally. In theory the introduction of 30 hours free childcare will ease some of the financial burden on households, but in practice the infrastructure isn’t there to roll it out successfully which creates a postcode lottery for parents. That is why Labour are planning to create thousands of new nursery places in existing primary schools. This will help build a childcare system which delivers life chances for children as well as work choices for parents.

After reading studies which highlight the link between financial insecurity, mental ill health, and domestic abuse, I believe that easing the economic burden on families will support a more stable family environment which can help parents and their children thrive. I also think fixing childcare and promoting family stability will contribute to a reduction in youth crime in the future.

Ultimately, at a time when families need security more than ever, we are being utterly failed by a broken government and a broken childcare system. The Tories are not the answer. Only Labour can build a better future for Romford.

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