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  • Writer's pictureandyachilleos

Building A Better Future for Romford

Throughout the years I have spent working in politics one thing has become increasingly apparent - that ordinary people feel ignored by the political system and are fed up with being told what they should and shouldn't care about by politicians. I want that to change.

There are things which are important to me such as social housing, law and order, the environment, healthcare, and addressing the cost of living crisis - but I want my campaign to be informed by what matters to local people in Romford. That's why I am asking residents to complete a short survey to help me deliver a better future for the area.

I'm asking which three issues are most important to you, and if you could change one thing about Romford tomorrow what would it be? Let me know by clicking HERE

The people of Romford have been without a voice in Parliament for over a year, and have been without representation on the things that really matter for a lot longer. It's time for voters to think with their feet - is anything getting better for you and your family under a Tory MP?

Labour haven't selected their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Romford yet, but I am hopeful that members put their faith in me. If they do I will put the local community at the heart of my campaign - so tell me what matters to you HERE

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